Linux — The Operating System of Choice — Part IX

Linux — The Operating System of Choice — Part IX

In Linux, you can compress and uncompress files using various commands and tools. The most commonly used commands are tar, gzip, gunzip, zip, and unzip. Let me provide you with definitions, usage, and examples for each of these commands:

  1. tar: The tar command is used to create a single archive file also known as a "tarball" that can contain multiple files and directories while preserving their directory structure.

    In the tar command, the c, z, v, f options are separate and each letter represents a separate option with its own meaning. Here's the breakdown:

    • -c: Creates a new archive.

    • -z: Compresses the archive using gzip.

    • -v: Enables verbose output (optional).

    • -f: Specifies the output filename.

    • To compress files/directories using tar:

        $ tar -czvf archive.tar.gz file1.txt directory/
    • To uncompress files/directories using tar:

        $ tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz

      Here, x stands for extract, z indicates gzip format, v enables verbose output (optional), and f specifies the input filename.

  2. gzip/gunzip: The gzip command is used to compress files using the gzip algorithm, while gunzip is used to uncompress gzip-compressed files.

    • To compress a file using gzip:

        $ gzip file.txt

      This will create a compressed file named file.txt.gz.

    • To uncompress a gzip file using gunzip:

        $ gunzip file.txt.gz

      The command will extract the original file named file.txt from the compressed file.txt.gz file.

  3. zip/unzip: The zip command is used to compress files and directories into a zip archive, while unzip is used to extract files from a zip archive.

    • To compress files/directories using zip:

        $ zip file1.txt directory/

      This will create a zip archive named containing file1.txt and directory/.

    • To extract files from a zip archive using unzip:

        $ unzip

      The command will extract all the files from into the current directory.

These are the basic commands for compressing and uncompressing files in Linux. Remember to adjust the command options and filenames based on your specific requirements.

To truncate or reduce the file size in Linux, you can use the truncate command. The truncate command allows you to either shrink or extend the size of a file. If you want to specifically reduce the file size, you can use the --size option followed by the desired size.

Here's the general syntax

of the truncate command to truncate a file to a specific size:

$ truncate --size=<new_size> <file_path>

Replace <new_size> with the desired size to which you want to truncate the file, and <file_path> with the path to the file you want to truncate.

Here's an example to truncate a file named example.txt to 1000 bytes:

$ truncate --size=1000 example.txt

This command will reduce the file example.txt to 1000 bytes. If the original file size was greater than 1000 bytes, the excess data will be removed, effectively reducing the file size. However, if the original file size was smaller than 1000 bytes, the file will remain unchanged.

Make sure you have appropriate permissions to modify the file in question, as you may need to use sudo or have the necessary write permissions for the file.

In Linux, you can combine or concatenate files using the cat command and you can split files into smaller parts using the split command. Let's look at each command and its usage with examples:

  1. Combining/Concatenating Files with cat: The cat command is used to concatenate files and output the result to the standard output (usually the terminal). You can redirect this output to a new file if needed.

    • To combine files using cat:

        $ cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt

      This command concatenates the contents of file1.txt and file2.txt and saves the output in combined.txt.

    • To append the content of one file to another:

        $ cat file1.txt >> file2.txt

      This command appends the content of file1.txt to the end of file2.txt without creating a new file.

  2. Splitting Files with split: The split command allows you to split a file into smaller parts based on size or number of lines.

    • To split a file into smaller parts by size:

        $ split -b <size> file.txt prefix

      Replace <size> with the desired size of each split part (e.g., 1M for 1 megabyte), file.txt with the file you want to split, and prefix with the desired prefix for the resulting split files.


        $ split -b 1M bigfile.txt splitfile

      This command splits bigfile.txt into smaller parts with a size of 1 megabyte each, and the resulting split files will have the prefix splitfile.

    • To split a file into smaller parts by the number of lines:

        $ split -l <lines> file.txt prefix

      Replace <lines> with the desired number of lines per split part, file.txt with the file you want to split, and prefix with the desired prefix for the resulting split files.


        $ split -l 100 file.txt splitfile

      This command splits file.txt into smaller parts, each containing 100 lines, and the resulting split files will have the prefix splitfile.

These commands provide you with the ability to combine or split files in Linux according to your requirements.

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